Peach Creek


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Double-D - The Ed Inside The Hat

Galaxia: I'm really excited about this interview -  we worked really hard to get him to do this too. I'm pleased to announce that today's interview is none other than...Double-D!
(Double-D walks out onstage and sits across from Galaxia.)
Galaxia: Thanks for coming to do this, Double-D-or Edd, whatever you prefer to be called. (Galaxia offers her hand to Double-D) Hey, it's okay - I washed it before I came out. (Galaxia shakes Double-D's hand.)
Double-D: It's a real pleasure, Galaxia.
Galaxia: Cool! Now, let's get down to business - you have many adoring female fans from across the globe - how does that make you feel?
Double-D: It's nerve-wracking, Galaxia! I can't go one day without getting bombarded with fanmail asking me to marry them. I don't even want to begin to talk about the number of socks I've recieved...
Galaxia: That's the life of a popular celebrity, Double-D! You take whatever comes with it! Now getting back to the show - I was interviewing Eddy and I asked him what it was like working with-
Double-D: I know - I've seen it. I was less than impressed with it. He's obviously lying. Working with Eddy has been an experience I'd like to forget. And Ed? Well, he's not that bad. Not bad at all! He's much more tollerable than Eddy.
Galaxia: The plain and honest truth coming from Peach Creek's hottie! (Galaxia giggles. Double-D turns a deep shade of scarlet). But enough about that - now, I'm dying to ask you this next question, and I'd like an honest answer...what's underneath the hat?
Double-D: Galaxia, please - I was asked to do this interview based on the show and-
Galaxia: Aw, come on, Double-D! People wanna know! It's been 3 years - let us know your secret!
Double-D: (trembling) No, please don't!
Galaxia: Oh, alright - leave us hanging, again.
Double-D: Whew!
Galaxia: No big deal - I'll just grab Ed or Eddy next time I see them and ask them, that's all...after all, they have seen-
Double-D: Don't you dare!
Galaxia: Kidding! Anyway we're out of time. Thank you Double-D for taking the time to answer my questions.
Double-D: My pleasure!
Galaxia: Next interview will be Ed - good night and have a pleasant tomorrow!
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