Peach Creek


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Ed - Buttered Toast!

I'm a pigeon! A big pigeon! Oink oink!-Ed

Galaxia: Well, today's interview is going to be.......erm......interesting. We're gonna interview the "loveable oaf", Ed! We'll find out what he really thinks of his favorite things and how he really feels about his sister, Eddy and Double-D, and May Kanker. Let's cut to the chase - here's Ed!
Ed walks out and sits by Galaxia
Ed: Am I on TV! Hi mom! Can she see me wave?
Galaxia: Well, it sure is a pleasure to have you here, Ed!
Ed: Where else would I be? Did I go somewhere and not know?
Galaxia: Good point. Now, Ed, tell us: how do you feel about your sister, Sarah?
Ed: (Ed's eyes get wide) Is she here? Sarah's bad for Ed!
Galaxia: She can pack quite a punch, Ed. I can't believe that she gets away with yelling at you! She's a major tattletale if ever I saw one!
Ed: Sarah has a tail?!? She's one of the Bunion People! She's going to eat my brain!
(Ed climbs up on the chair, petrified)
Galaxia: Ed! Get down - Sarah's not here! Don't worry about it!
(Ed climbs down off the chair and sits)
Ed: Buttered toast!
Galaxia: Now, your best friends are Eddy and Double-D - how do you feel about them?
Ed: Eddy is my ideal pal! Soft and cuddly like mashed potatoes - yum! And Double-D is, too!
Galaxia: Seems like the three of you get along, even though Eddy and yourself don't see eye-to-eye on some things...
Ed: That's because Eddy is short!
Galaxia: (laughs) Good one, Ed! I like that!
Ed: Gravy!
Galaxia: I'd hate to break the mood...but I really gotta ask you about........May Kanker.
Ed: (Ed's eyes grow wide) Oh no! Not again!
Galaxia: Well, it seems that she likes you - I just want to know about what you think.
Ed: My brain stopped!
Galaxia: Fine - I guess you don't want to tell me. I, for one, am biased - but who cares?
Ed: The man on the moon!
Galaxia: Exactly. Well, that's all the time we have - good night and have a pleasant tomorrow!
Ed: Cookies and milk!